
Leigh St Mary's Church of England Primary School

Home Page
Leigh St Mary's website is currently in the process of being re-designed. Watch this space for our new look and information next school year!

Team Worship

Meet our Team Worship

Meet our Team Spirit

As a Church School we encourage our children to play an active role in leading regular collective worship and have our own children’s ‘Team Worship’ made up of children from Year 5 who prepare and lead readings, prayers, drama, power-points and set up the hymns to be sung.

The themes chosen by the children, for the children relate to our core Christian values. The children prepare all resources for the daily act of Worship including our service table, cross, candles and Bible. Members of Team Worship organise the collection of feedback from the other pupils on collective worship. This is then collated by them and fed back to all stakeholders who discuss the findings with a view to implementing change if required.

The children also regularly assist the Head teacher in our ‘Celebration Assembly’ each Friday where the achievements of the week, both in school and outside school, are shared and celebrated.

These are just a few of the ways in which as a school we develop young leaders and greater spiritual and social understanding through the wider curriculum.
