
Leigh St Mary's Church of England Primary School

Home Page
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PE and School Sport

At Leigh St Mary's CofE Primary School we follow a broad and varied PE curriculum, ensuring that we are fully inclusive. As well as teaching new skills, we like PE to be fun with a big emphasis on teamwork.

Gymnastics, Dance and Invasion Games are taught in every year group and the skills in these areas are broadened and developed as the children grow. Sport specific skills are taught, and vary in each year group. These include hockey, basketball, rounders and tag rugby, football and many others. 

Along with the variety of physical activities taught within the curriculum, we also offer a range of after school clubs.

Every class will be offered a half term of after school dance with Mrs Ellison. As a school we have entered many dance events, including competing at a national level. We have danced in local care homes, in the Summer and Christmas Parades through Leigh, as part of the WigLe Light Night event at Pennington Flash in 2021 and as part of the Tesco Dance Beats in 2019.

We host an annual dance show. All pupils that have taken part in dance club are invited to perform their routine on stage in front of an audience. 


We offer a variety of afterschool clubs 5 days a week. These include dodgeball, multi sports, gymnastics, rugby, dance and many more. 


We like to enter our pupils into numerous inter-school competitions, as well as hosting our own intra-school competitions. The skills for competitions are taught and developed within our PE lessons or after school clubs. Through competition, children learn self-belief, determination and good sportsmanship whilst having fun. 


Our Year 6 pupils have the opportunity to apply to become a Sports Leader. Our sports leaders use the skills they have developed through PE and school sports to run lunchtime sports clubs. They also  assist with implementing intra-class competitions. 


At lunchtimes, our pupils are encouraged to be active, and we provide a variety of sports every day such as football, basketball, cricket and archery. Every class also runs the Golden Mile every afternoon.


Through PE and school sports, we aim to provide the children with a range of physical skills, as well as a passion for exercise, with the aim of it leading to lifelong healthy lifestyle choices. 



Extra Curricular Clubs 2023-2024

Autumn 1


  • Monday - Y6 Dance
  • Tuesday -  Y3 Multi Sport/ Y5 and 6 Rugby
  • Wednesday - Y4 Multi Sport
  • Thursday -Y5 Dance / Y5 and 6 Football
  • Friday - Y1 and 2 Multi Sport


Autumn 2


  • Monday -  Y5 and 6 Christmas Dance
  • Tuesday - Y3 Gymnastics/ Y5 and 6 Rugby
  • Wednesday - Y4 Dance
  • Thursday -Y5 Dance/ Y5 and 6 Rugby
  • Friday - Y1 and 2 Multi Skills

After School Clubs 2022-2023

With Mrs Ellison

Autumn 1 afterschool clubs

  • Monday  : Y2 Multi-sport
  • Tuesday : Y5/6 Hockey
  • Wednesday : Year 4 Dance
  • Thursday : Y5/6 Dance


Autumn 2 afterschool clubs

  • Monday  : KS2 Fitness
  • Tuesday : Y3/4 Multi-sport
  • Wednesday : Year 4 Dance
  • Thursday : Y5/6 Dance


Spring 1 afterschool clubs

  • Monday  : Y1 Gymnastics
  • Tuesday : Y5/6 Fitness
  • Wednesday : Y3 Dance
  • Thursday : Y2 Dance


Spring 2 afterschool clubs

  • Monday  : Y3 Dance
  • Tuesday : Y6 Athletics
  • Wednesday : Y2 Fitness
  • Thursday : Y1 Dance


Summer 1 afterschool clubs

  • Monday : EYFS Dance
  • Tuesday : KS2 Adult/Child Dance
  • Wednesday : Y3/4 Athletics
  • Variable days : UKS2 Rugby with Mr Bradshaw






PE Curriculum EYFS and KS1



Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2



Travel and Movement



Jungle Adventure *





Beach Trip and The Deep Blue Sea *



Ball Skills



Time Travel Adventure *





Space Explorers *


Team Games



Land of Fairy Tales *


Sports Day Activities



Sporty Superheroes *


Multi – Skills  





Multi Skills *












Invasion Games *


Bat and Ball




Net and Wall *



Attacking and Defending



Athletics *


        Invasion Games




Striking and Fielding *





Multi Skills *



Gymnastics *



Invasion Games*






Athletics *



Striking and Fielding *







PE Curriculum KS2


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2



Invasion Games



Multi Skills *





Gymnastics *


Circuit /Fundamental









Net and Wall *





Athletics *


Striking and Fielding



Striking and Fielding *



Invasion Games




















Tag Rugby





Net and Wall













Invasion Games








Striking and Fielding





Year 6


Net and Wall













Invasion Games








Striking and Fielding





Year 6 swimming data 2022-2023


What percentage of Year 6 pupils could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 meters?



What percentage of Year 6 pupils could use a range of strokes effectively (for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke)?



What percentage of Year 6 pupils could perform a safe self-rescue in different water based situations?





Year 6 swimming data 2021-2022


What percentage of Year 6 pupils could swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 meters?



What percentage of Year 6 pupils could use a range of strokes effectively (for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke)?



What percentage of Year 6 pupils could perform a safe self-rescue in different water based situations?





